Category: zen

  • Kanzeon is the Gateway

    All-accepting Kanzeon is the gateway to buddha mind. InKanzeon we are one with buddha; in cause and effect, related toall buddhas, to dharma and to sangha. Our true nature is eternal,joyous, selfless and pure. Namu Kanzeon Bosatsu

  • Snow Day, Sick Day

    I started feeling unwell Sunday night, and still felt that Monday morning and decided to stay home from work. This afternoon I meditated for 25 minutes, and then went through my Zen documents – my Precepts and Wagessa, my wedding ceremony, and my Lay Disciple documents. I imagined the hundreds (thousands?) of sticks of incense…

  • A cloud never dies

  • Bring Forth What is in You

    If you bring forth what is in you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you. Gnostic Gospel of Thomas as Spoken by Jesus, quoted in The Mind of the Clover by Robert Aitken

  • Mt. Sumeru Stands in the Great Void

    I performed my Jisha duties Sunday and had time to do sanzen with the Abbot. After we finished and walked back to the Sodo I was looking at the ground, at nothing in particular, perhaps the patterns of rocks and dirt on the ground. Abruptly but quietly the Abbot stopped and pointed to a raptor…

  • Lineage Continued: China

    This week in the Lineage class my teacher is leading we are studying China, including major figures like Bodhidharma and Huineng. I was somewhat familiar with one version of the myth around Bodhidharma, specifically that he brought Buddhism to China. However, that seems not to be the case. According to Zen’s Chinese Heritage by Andy…

  • Fuxi’s Poem

    The sixth-century Buddhist monk Fuxi wrote: The empty hand grasps the hoe handleWalking along, I ride the oxThe ox crosses the wooden bridgeThe bridge is flowing, the water is still (“Zen’s Chinese Heritage”, translation by Andy Ferguson)

  • Lineage

    After a lot of hesitation I finally signed up for a seminary class and if I am honest the primary motivation for overcoming the hesitation was that my teacher is leading the class. The syllabus follows everything after the Shakyamuni Buddha – from Mahākāśyapa and Ananda onward, from India to China, Japan to the US.…

  • Epictetus on Taking Action

    Stoic philosopher Epictetus on taking action: “Now is the time to get serious about living your ideals. How long can you afford to put off who you really want to be? Your nobler self cannot wait any longer. Put your principles into practice – now. Stop the excuses and the procrastination. This is your life!…

  • An Homage to Great Teachers

    Already 2022 has taken two great teachers from us: bell hooks and Thich Nhat Hanh. Like millions of others I have spent hours reading over their works, learning, struggling, applying. When I read that bell hooks had died – I immediately ordered a copy of Feminism is for Everybody for my daughter – something felt…